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SF Open Data Quarterly Roundup

The map of inclusionary units on the <a href=''>housing data hub</a> is powered by one of the datasets published in the beginning of this year by the Mayor's Office of Housing and Community Development.
The map of inclusionary units on the housing data hub is powered by one of the datasets published in the beginning of this year by the Mayor's Office of Housing and Community Development.

Showcasing datasets released since the beginning of this year

Recently, we released our second year strategy, which we’re really excited about! We’ve had our heads down this past year working diligently to get things lined up with the wonderful support of our data coordinators and colleagues throughout the City. In the coming year, we expect to be increasing our publishing and talking more about it with as many people as we can.

While we’re making our publishing program as transparent as possible with DataSF In Progress and the companion department publishing plans, we want to make sure we do more to increase dataset discovery over time. A lot of love goes into making data available, and we would hate for all that work to go unnoticed and unused.

Below is our first dataset roundup organized by category. Future roundups will cover the prior quarter of data releases, but we’re catching up, so these go back to the beginning of the year. These will be broader than they are deep, but hopefully you’ll find something you want to dig into and understand more. While you’re poking around, don’t forget to show a little love to departments for making these datasets available. Click on the links below to “tweet your appreciation” at the publishing departments in each category.

City Infrastructure

DPW Street & Sidewalk Evaluation Results, 7-1-2013 to Present - The Controller’s Office’s City Services Auditor (CSA) Division has worked with the Department of Public Works (DPW) to develop maintenance standards for streets and sidewalks and schedules and inspect for compliance since July 2004. This dataset contains street and sidewalk evaluation results since 7/1/2013 under the new FY12 standards. You can also access the annual reports in PDF under “street maintenance” here.

Large Utility Excavation Permits - The Department of Public Works (DPW) publishes this subset of large utility excavation permits (>=1000 square feet total size) in the last year. Its primary purpose is to support the Dig Once program, a collaboration among DPW the Department of Technology and others involved in street and infrastructure improvements

Existing SF Commercial Wireless Facilities - April 2015 -This is a compilation of data provided by wireless carriers and is maintained by the Planning Department updated as needed. This dataset has the locations of each of the commercial wireless facilities.

City Management and Ethics

Ethics Commission datasets the Ethics Commission continues to be one of the most prolific publishers on the open data portal. Here’s a summary of datasets too many to enumerate individually:

Web Analytics for SFGov Sites - 2015 (Q1+Q2) the Department of Technology has started publishing quarterly web analytics for sites in the SFGov domain. This does not include websites managed independently by departments.

DataSF datasets We’ve published both the dataset inventory and a dataset of department planning and inventory status, which are used together to track our progress and report on individual department progress.

Energy and Environment

Urban Bird Refuge - the adopted Standards for Bird-Safe Buildings explains the documented risks that structures present to birds. Over thirty years of research has proven the risk to be biologically significant for certain bird species. This geospatial dataset maps out areas of particular risk to birds. These areas are within 300ft of: open water, inland water bodies greater than 2 acres in size, open space greater than 2 acres, the shoreline. For more information visit the Standards for Bird-Safe Buildings web site

Green Connections Network - Green Connections aims to increase access to parks, open spaces, and the waterfront by envisioning a network of “green connectors”, city streets that will be upgraded incrementally over the next 20 years to make it safer and more pleasant to travel to parks by walking, biking, and other forms of active transportation. Further information can be found on the Green Connections website.

Geographic Locations and Boundaries

California Register Districts and National Register Districts Each of these two datasets are district boundaries that are either listed or determined eligible to be listed by San Francisco Planning Department preservation staff. One for California Register Districts and another for the National Register. You can learn more about these district designations on the State’s Office of Historic Preservation website.

Orthophoto mosaic of San Francisco proper (2014) - 10cm per pixel (zipped MrSID format) - looking for detailed imagery of San Francisco? Look no further.

Potential Locations For Medical Cannabis Dispensaries - Locations may be used as an initial guide for investigating possible Medical Cannabis Dispensary (MCD) locations, but these do not superced applicable requirements in the Planning Code. The data shows: areas which are zoned to allow new MCDs; areas not located within 1,000’ of a school. The data does not show: uses which further restrict MCD locations including (i.e. community facilities, recreation buildings, and substance abuse treatment centers). The data is based on the best information available at the time of publication (Sept 2010).

Right of Way Polygons This is an oft requested layer representing the “paved” portion of the right of way. The Department of Public Works (DPW) published this in answer to a request. This layer is not drawn to engineering specifications and should be used accordingly either as a display layer or for very rough estimations regarding the right of way area.

Health and Social Services

Community Resiliency Indicator System The Community Resiliency Indicator System was developed by San Francisco’s Climate and Health Program managed by the Department of Public Health (DPH) and is part of San Francisco’s Climate and Health Profile. The dataset represents the system including 40 indicators and an additive index which is a compilation of all of the indicators. You can visit for more.

Permitted Medical Cannabis Dispensaries As of December 31st, 2014, there were 28 Permitted Medical Cannabis Dispensaries (MCD) operating in the City and County of San Francisco. This dataset shows their locations. The Department of Public Health issues a permit to operate an MCD once approvals are granted by the Department of Building Inspection, Planning Department, Fire Department and The Mayor’s Office of Disability. A permit does not overrule state and federal laws regarding cannabis enforcement.

Housing and Buildings

2014 Housing Inventory - This report is the 45th in the series and describes San Francisco’s housing supply. Housing Inventory data accounts for new housing construction, demolitions, and alterations in a consistent format for analysis of housing production trends.

SF Development Pipeline 2015 Q1 - The Planning Department publishes a quarterly report tracking the development pipeline in San Francisco. The latest one is for the first quarter of 2015.

Annual Allowable Rent Increase for Units Under Rent Control - In accordance with Rules and Regulations Section 1.12, the Rent Board of Arbitration sets the annual allowable rent increase for rent controlled units. The new rates are effective every year on March 1. The amount is based on 60% of the percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for All Urban Consumers in the San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose region for the 12-month period ending October 31, as blog-posted in November by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Eviction Notices - Data includes eviction notices filed with the San Francisco Rent Board per San Francisco Administrative Code 37.9(c). A notice of eviction does not necessarily indicate that the tenant was eventually evicted, so the notices below may differ from actual evictions.

Requests for Information Regarding Protected Status Related to Owner Move-In Evictions - This dataset includes requests for information filed with the San Francisco Rent Board under the SF Admin. Code. Under the Code, residents receiving an eviction notice may claim protected status either due to age and/or disability and length of tenancy or based on length of tenancy and occupancy of a child under the age of 18 during the school year. They need not be filed as estoppels. However, it has become common practice to add the request pursuant to the codes to estoppels, which is a legal term for limiting a legal action that could normally be taken, e.g. evicting.

Green Roofs in San Francisco - This layer is the data feeding into the San Francisco Green Roofs web map. This map and further information about green roofs in San Francisco can be found at the Planning Department’s Green Roofs website.

Land Use - The Planning Department publishes the land use categories for every parcel in San Francisco in this geographic dataset. The land use categories are derived from a range of City and commercial databases.

Residential projects with inclusionary requirements - Subject to Planning Code Section 415, developments of 10 or more units fall under the City’s Inclusionary Affordable Housing Program. Data on residential projects are collected through the lifecycle of the projects by the Planning Department and the Department of Building Inspection. On a quarterly basis, the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development works with Planning to produce a list for tracking and monitoring of these projects. This data is also featured in the housing data hub, which showcases programs, policies and data related to housing in San Francisco.