A Data Homage to Mayor Edwin Mah Lee (MEL)

By Blake Valenta, Janine Heiser, Jason Lally, Joy Bonaguro, Kimberly Hicks

On Tuesday, December 12, 2017 Mayor Edwin Mah Lee, or MEL as we liked to call him, passed away. This is our homage to MEL in the language we know best, data.

From Private to Public: My first year as a data scientist with the City

By Kimberly Hicks

One data scientist's reflections on transitioning from the private to public sector

Part 4: How to tell your data science story

By Joy Bonaguro, Kimberly Hicks, Blake Valenta

Storytelling is part of a successful data science project. So don't neglect it. This article covers why you should care about storytelling in data science and how to tell your stories well.

Part 3: How to deliver a data science project

By Joy Bonaguro, Kimberly Hicks, Blake Valenta

You need to deliver implementable data insights to your client. This article describes how to deliver the most value and ensure that your insights are understood and get used.

Part 2: How to scope data science projects

By Joy Bonaguro, Kimberly Hicks, Blake Valenta

Data science projects can quickly find themselves off track - there's just so much fun data to play with! Once you have a viable data science project, you need to scope the project to ensure you can deliver actionable insights in a reasonable amount of time.