Data Academy Course

Getting Things Done (Online)

About This Course

*During COVID response period, this training will be offered online.*

Getting Things Done is the Lean Team’s antidote to the obstacles we each encounter in our daily work life: the overflowing inbox, the never-ending to-do list, the mountain of papers on your desk. Based on David Allen’s book of the same name, Getting Things Done will give you super-practical tools to start applying lean principles to increase your personal productivity.

What You’ll Learn In This Course

This course will cover the following topics:

  • How to get tasks out of your head and into a simple, trustworthy system
  • How to get the same work done in less time by doing things sooner and touching them once
  • How to effectively use a master to-do list to manage your tasks
  • How to use a tickler file to deal with future tasks
  • How to track tasks that depend on other people to complete
  • How to create a simple filing system


None. This training is appropriate for all levels of staff, from the front line to executive management. Trainees are asked to block a half-day within 24 hours after the training to make changes to their personal organization systems.