Data Academy Course

Intro to Group Facilitation

About This Course

Do you participate in or lead meetings where important decisions are discussed?  Whether in the context of weekly staff meetings or an inter-agency working group, well-designed meeting can lead to better decisions.  Data Academy is offering a new half-day training on group facilitation, where attendees will learn key approaches and skills to support inclusive and efficient decision-making.

We will learn about each stage of the decision-making process, how to design effective meeting formats and agendas, and will practice basic facilitation skills.  The course will involve a mix of presentation, discussion, and practice, and will help you think through solutions you can apply to your own experience.  The course draws on Sam Kaner’s book, Facilitator’s Guide to Participatory Decision-making, among other sources, and seeks to complement DHR’s 1.5-day facilitation training.

What You’ll Learn In This Course

This course will cover the following topics:

  • Stages of decision-making processes
  • Designing effective meeting formats and agendas
  • Practice basic facilitation skills


There are no prerequisites for this course, but it’s helpful if you come in having thought about some past group decision making processes you’ve been a part of!