Department Publishing Plans

Welcome to the City’s Department Publishing Plans portal. These plans and supporting data inventories are the result of many hours of hard work by departmental data coordinators and their colleagues. It is here we will not just report the plans but automatically track progress as data gets published over time.

Each plan includes a narrative indicating what the department is committing to through the end of 2015. Along the right hand side are metrics including:

  1. Percent of datasets published out of the department's inventory
  2. Datasets published since January 2016
  3. And when appropriate, the number of datasets targeted for publishing by June 31, 2016

These update to reflect the department you’re viewing. Right now, the metrics to the right reflect the rollup of activity across all departments that have completed their inventory. Also, at the bottom of each page is a table representing the inventory for the department you’re viewing.

You can track additional program-wide metrics about the City’s open data program through DataSF in Progress, our dashboard.

Start browsing the plans by clicking on the department menu at the top of this page and selecting a department. You can view past plans by selecting a planning period from the dropdown toward the top of this page.

Percent published datasets
Published datasets
Targeted datasets for publishing
Targeted datasets for publishing
Inventory ID Department or Division Dataset Name Dataset Description Data Classification Publishing Status